
  •    An Erlang is a unit of telecommucications traffic measurement.
  •   An Erlang is defined as the average number of simultaneous calls on a system during one-        hour period.
  •   Erlang defined as the traffic carried by a group of trunks
  •     In honor of Agner Krarup Erlang

What is Erlang?
  •     Erlang = 1 call hour / hour
  •    1 Erlang = 1 hour ( 60 minutes) of traffic
  •   Erlang = (calls/busy hour) x holding time

           Tips: units must be the same !

Erlang Example Question

A subscriber makes 3 phone calls of 3 minutes, 4 minutes , and 2 minutes duration in 1 hours period. Calculate

Minutes of traffic in the hour = number of calls x duration

Minutes of traffic in the hour = (4min+3min+2min)

Hours of traffic in the hour    = 9 minutes / 60 minutes

Hours of traffic in the hour   = 0.15

Traffic of traffic in the hour  = 0.15 Erlang 


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